«Having begun my own research in that period in which D’Arch Smith wrote, I remember the atmosphere well; we were still convinced that homosexuality was the “love that dared not speak its name” in the Victorian era, whereas, after decades of rediscovering the various social and literary discourses that had been going on, and of which the Uranians were only one strand (cf. Gifford, 1995 for a not wholly satis-fying summary and exposition of these discourses), and research into the various urban subcultures and their expressions (Chauncey, 1994; Shand-Tucci, 1995; and Robb, 2003 being perhaps the best examples), we have now come to realize it was precisely the love that would not shut up».
"The Greek Mirror: The Uranians And Their Use Of Greece" by D. H. Mader (part 1)
"The Greek Mirror: The Uranians And Their Use Of Greece" by D. H. Mader (part 2)