Отрывки из интервью Pink Floyd, October 1970.

Interviewer: So you'd say then that you don't agree with violence as a means to change something that isn't right?
Nick: It's an impossible question, because if you picked a specific goal...
Roger: Yes, it is an impossible question because somebody could postulate the hypothesis at you, that, if you had been for instance, living in Paris during the German occupation, and some Gestapo man is about to blow your head off, because you were a Jew, and you happened to have a knife in your hand, and you had the chance to stick it in him, would you?


Interviewer: You said that they don't understand your music, yeah, well-in "Ummagumma" there's some things in there that I don't - like the chick screaming.
PF: The chick screaming is a very beautiful chick, she's very tall and thin and dresses in black, and she sits and drinks, and smokes cigarettes, and her name is Roger Waters.
[general laughter]


Interviewer: What do you think of the Woodstock thing?
PF: Good question - one that all the professionals ask. It's very good for everyone except for the musicians. Great for the Hell's Angels, great for all the people that like camping out, great for anyone selling sandwiches and cigarettes, great for people who like to get together with another 200,000 long hairs, dope freaks.


Interviewer: In the Ummagumma cut: "Several species of small furry animals gather together in a cave and grooving with a pict" - what is the voice thing, and just what exactly was the point of the whole thing?
Roger: It's not actually anything, it's a bit of concrete poetry. Those were sounds that I made, the voice and the hand slapping were all human generated - no musical instruments.
Interviewer: Then you were really not out after anything concrete though. You're just out to get into someone's head?
PF: And just push him about a bit, nothing deliberate, not a deliberate blow on the nose, just to sort of mess him around a bit.