UPD2: Кажется, мы с Икар закончились. Официально. Перед вами последняя записанная The Kinks песня, датирующаяся весной 1996 года. Месяцем моего рождения практически а это
великий-превеликий, идиотический знак. Словом, песня про кровавую
братскую любовь, которую Рэй в каждом куплете называет
natural. Ну-ну.
The Kinks. "Animal". (1996)On reflection, it was not all wine on the wall
It was not all cuts and bruises
Or the pulling out of hair
And the bloodying of nose
And the tearing off of clothes, although On reflection, it was not all wine on the wall
It was not all cuts and bruises
Or the pulling out of hair
And the bloodying of nose
And the tearing off of clothes, although
It was really animal, truly animal
There were times when there was absolute compassion in the air
Though it was really animal, truly animal
It could not compare to times we cared
And were in control and less emotional
While the intellect controls the spiritual
The animal respects what's natural
Ying and yang control man's actions
And both extremes are a natural reaction
It was really animal, truly animal,
Well there were times when there was absolute compassion in the air
On reflection it was not all crash and bang
Broken bottles and abuse
Sometimes there were sunsets on the sands
Holding onto caring hands
But there were vampire fangs
As the angels sang
It was ying and yang, oh yeah
It was truly natural, though it was really animal
In a sense it fell into a truly natural romance
Oh yeah,
It was really animal, truly animal
There were times when there was absolute compassion in the air
True love, true love, true love is really animal _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
UPD1: Пять минут назад. Все, сил моих больше с этими чуваками нет. Идите вы все вон.
Пару дней назад в Интернет поступила информация, что The Kinks объединяются, и по словам Рэя Дэйвиса, Дэйв волен записываться с ним если захочет, но если тот останется в стороне Рэй не больно и будет переживать. А вчера поступило опровержение, где Рэй заявляет, что вовсе ничего и не говорил. Доколе, как говорится.
Должно быть Рэй посмотрел это видео, пришел домой к Дэйву, выпил его шампанское, разогнал баб и проглотил его игрушечного Люка Скауйокера.
Но история на этом не заканчивается. Когда Икар только подсадила меня на эту сатанинскую группу, она сказала примерно следующее: «Рэй трахает своего брата, у меня есть множество доказательств, к примеру он написал песню от лица шлюхи, под которой подразумевается его братец, и там он поет, что они смотрят друг на друга сквозь зеркало любви». Да, эта испорченная девчонка так и сказала.
А вот собственно и эта песня.
The KInks. "Mirror Of Love". (1974)You're such a cool lover
But you're such a cruel lover
Treat me like I'm a fool
I hate you but you know I would kill for you
You're a mean and obscene lover
But you are my dream loverYou're such a cool lover
But you're such a cruel lover
Treat me like I'm a fool
I hate you but you know I would kill for you
You're a mean and obscene lover
But you are my dream lover
'Cause even though you treat me bad
You were the best man I ever had
'Cos through the mirror of love, mirror of love
When I see you through the mirror of love
You're alright and I forget that you're bad
'Cos when I see you I'm looking through the mirror of love
Why I love you though you treat me bad
'Cos when I see you looking through the mirror of love, oh
The mirror of love and you look alright
I see your reflection when I'm looking through the mirror of love
You're a crude and a rude lover
But I would have no other
You slap me down, treat me bad
You're a two timing swine and you drive me mad
You're a mean and obscene lover
But you are my dream lover
'Cos even though you treat me bad
You were the best man I ever had
'Cos through the mirror of love, mirror of love
When I see you through the mirror of love
You're alright I forget that you're bad
'Cos when I see you looking through the mirror of love
Oh, the mirror of love and you look alright
I see your reflection when I'm looking through the mirror of love А сегодня мы с ней находим вот эту песню Дэйва Дэйвиса, где он не только цитирует
мой альбом, но еще и пишет ее от лица брата и поет гнусавым, издевательским голоском Рэя.
Dave Davies. "All About Me". (2006)Can't you see it's all about me
Can't kick the habit, just got to have it
Attention, give it all to meCan't you see it's all about me
Can't kick the habit, just got to have it
Attention, give it all to me
I'll draw you into all my confusion
Join in my madness, feed my delusion
I will entice you and patronise you
Then steal your secrets, just to discard you
Can't you see it's all about me
Can't kick the habit, just got to have it
C'est la vie, je suis magnifique
Please help me brother, don't run for cover
It's all about me
It's all about me
Moi, aha Louis, sacre bleu
Please help me brother, don't run for cover
Can't kick the habit, just gotta have it
I will abuse you if I should choose to
You only matter to serve and flatter Moi!
Can it be a mental disease, aha
Please help me brother, don't blow my cover
Je suis magnifique, c'est la vie
Can't kick the habit, just gotta have it
It's all about me
It's all about me И в конце приписка:
This song can be found on the following releases:
stereo mix, recorded Aug-Dec 2006 at
White Mirror Studios, Devon, UK
Конечно же я прогуглила, что это за студия Белого Зеркала, а оказалось, что это личная студия Дэйва Дэйвиса, название он, понятное дело, в честь чего придумал. На его сайте поочередно, на нежно-голубом и розовом фонах написаны разные вариации вот таких вот строчек:
White mirror represents the hall of mirrors, where you can face your own reflection and see the truth about yourself.White mirror represents the hall of mirrors, where you can face your own reflection and see the truth about yourself. As a mirror, White mirror merely reflects what is, whether truth, beauty or illusion. Here you can face unfinished business, the dissonance of difficulties, or charged issues that would keep you from the full expression of your Divinity. Become aware of any illusions or distortions within yourself; your clarity of perception will transform them. Take a moment to see yourself as you actually are, shadow and all freed from the maze of mental illusion.И вот такой его рисуночек:
Я считаю, Рэй должен был назвать свою студию не
Konk, а
Dark Mirror.
И должно быть один из главных доказательств тесных инцестульных связей (наравне с "The Informer" Рэя с их последнего альбома) это "Mindless Child Of Motherhood" Дэйва 1969-ого года.
Dave Davies. "Mindless Child Of Motherhood". (1969)I've been traveling a long time,
To be just where you are.
In dreams I have seen you,
But you are so very far.I've been traveling a long time,
To be just where you are.
In dreams I have seen you,
But you are so very far.
How long must I travel on,
To be just where you are?
How long must I travel on,
To be just where you are?
I was your friend,
I was a fool,
I feel for you, though we're far apart.
I see your face,
Lost without trace,
I see your mind, just an empty space.
Mindless child of motherhood,
You have lost the thing that's good.
Mindless child of motherhood,
You have lost the thing that's good.
I know that it's not fair,
To bare a bastard son,
But why do you hide there,
When we could have shared a love?
How long must I travel on,
To be just where you are?
How long must I travel on,
To be just where you are?
I was your friend,
I was a fool,
I feel for you, though we're far apart.
I see your face,
Lost without trace,
I see your mind, just an empty space.
Mindless child of motherhood,
You have lost the thing that's good.
Mindless child of motherhood,
You have lost the thing that's good.
To me. Дальше, лучше, еще мы с Икар нашли песню Дэйва, как раз времен рэевского алкоголизма, вот с таким вот текстом:
блять, какой же Дэйв все-таки Гамлет, аж сил у меня нет.Dave Davies. "Why?!!" (2002)I'm just sitting here wondering why?
(And another please)
I'm just sitting here wondering why?
Why are the stars [?, why are you here[?]
I'm just sitting here wondering why?]I'm just sitting here wondering why?
(And another please)
I'm just sitting here wondering why?
Why are the stars [?], why are you here[?]
I'm just sitting here wondering why?
Why, why, why why why
Why am I asking you?
Why, why, why is the sky
Black and then it's blue?
Well you got a new house
And you got a new car
But you can't buy everything
And you cry, cry, cry
'Cause you're not satisfied
And you're wound up like a spring
'Cause you can't have everything
And you're wound up like a spring
I'm just sitting here wondering why?
[?], straighten your tie
Oh, I'm just sitting here wondering why?
Rationality, punctuality
Analytical, so typical
Scientifical, [?]
So ordinary, extraordinary
[?] chemical, so logical
Octagonal[?], woo
I'm just sitting here wondering why?
Oh, I'm just sitting here wondering why?
Press me new suit, tuck in me shirt
Straighten my tie
Why, why, you try and you try
Still you pray for more
You don't understand why it didn't go as planned
And you think your reasoning's flawed
Why, why, why why why why
I really don't know it all
You see, reason [?] what your heart really knows
So there is no "why" after all
Why do think that you always need to think
Trying hard to justify
To achieve and achieve
Always greed, greed, greed
I really don't know why
Why, why, what is this [?]
What is this, question time?
(One two three four)
I'm just sitting here wondering why?
(Keep going)
I'm just sitting here wondering why?
Press me new suit, tuck in me shirt
Straighten my tie
(Three four)
Oh, I'm just sitting here wondering why?
Got a new car, then?
Straighten your tie, what's a matter with ya?
I'm just sitting here wondering why?
What time do you call this, then?
Been picking up[?] 'ave ya?
Where ya been? What ya doin'? Who ya been wit? Where ya been?
(Eyes front!)
Where ya been? What ya doin'? Who ya been wit? Where ya been?
(Hup, two, three, four)
Where ya been? What ya doin'? Who ya been wit? Where ya been?
(Hup, two, three, four)
Where ya been? What ya doin'? Who ya been wit? Where ya been?
(Hup, two, three, four)
Where ya been? What ya doin'? Who ya been wit? Where ya been?
(Hup, two, three, four)
(Hup, two, three, four)
(Hup, two, three, four)
(Hup, two, three, four) И последний замечательный текст, который показывает, как Дэйв заебался с братцем, хотя в то время они вроде бы только имейлами и переписывались.
Dave Davies. "Displaced Person" (2002) видимо, в этом году Дэйва прорвало.A displaced person in a displaced land
I lost my home, lost everything you can
Tried so hard, doing the best I can
But where I am is where I standA displaced person in a displaced land
I lost my home, lost everything you can
Tried so hard, doing the best I can
But where I am is where I stand
Your eyes are filled with greed and hate
But wherever you wander is a holy place
Where my heart loves is a sacred place
A displaced person, I know your pain
I don't understand
I'm a fugitive in my own land
Don't wanna do what they wanna
Don't wanna do what they say
Don't wanna do what they wanna
Just wanna get their way
Can you see through them?
Can you see what they do?
C'mon brother, jump in
C'mon mama, swim
The toughest race of the human face
Will not be denied in these changing times
The biggest battle is fought in the heart
Follow [?]
A displaced person, come hear the call
Destroy illusion with just your heart
On the astral and mental planes
Radiate and meditate
From the mountains and to the land
Build the future with a loving, caring hand
I don't understand
I'm a fugitive in my own land
Don't wanna do what they wanna
Don't wanna do what they say
Don't wanna do what they wanna
Just wanna get their way
Can you see through them?
Can you see what they do?
C'mon brother, jump in
C'mon mama, swim Будучи в Варшаве, Икар сфотографировала граффити с еблетом Дэйва Дэйвиса на стене, что этот рисунок там делает - непонятно. Вестимо, один из его брошенных воздыхателей нарисовал.