"Мне всё кажется, что на мне штаны скверные, и что я пишу не так, как надо, и что даю больным не те порошки. Это психоз, должно быть." А. П. Чехов
<..> part from the defunct letter by Oscar Wilde
My dear boy, let me just tell you in several laconic but vigorous words how much I hate you at this very moment. Spite is the only feeling that touches my heart these days, apart from exasperation and chagrin. My state wavers from rage to aloofness, all because of you! What have you done, you gargoyle in disguise, what have you done with my life, my reputation and even my literary style that I use such trite and pathetic metaphors?
What a mess you have left inside me!
What useless tatters have you made from my heart!
I feel like from now on then it will be just an organ from anatomy books, but not that fragile thing that it had been before!
I think that you still don't understand the true power of your will upon me... everything... your looks, your complexion, gestures, the tone of your voice, your exquisite ivory hands holding mine... Do you remember?.. I guess you not... But I do remember that photo that we didn't show to anyone (I still have a ghost-like hope that you didn't make fun upon it with your superficial friends) - I was standing behind your back... holding you... touching your shoulders... my nose was buried in your soft, golden hair.
It had an odor of dew, pollen and home.
Be delighted! I had had my home and then you took it away, you, vain, unstable, spoilt, envious thing!
I know that this latter will never be sent, as I'll never crawl back to you after all you've done, after all my sufferings, but in my position honesty is the only savior, thus I can admit even though on paper that, yes, my road ends in the inglorious dead-end in this prison not only of flesh, but of the spirit, yes, my hands were pricked by thorns and will be pricked afterwords dozens of times - I will never regret any turn of this road. All my choices at the crossroads finally led to our reunion and I will never, listen, never regret any second spent with you, my subtle, dangerous, red rose...
I miss you terribly that I have such an enormous blister on my heart as I look back at our memories too often that leeds to pain and bloody tears. I fear that you will find me a substitution too quickly and my doubts lead to another circle of pain...
Can't write anymore... It's such a waste to spend paper on letters that you'll never send and words you'll never say...
This cell is driving me mad, but I'm sure that all my years I have spent in another asylum where chains are longer but jailers more ruthless.
I guess you, Bosie, are my executioner...
Can I kiss your eyes and stroke hair on your head before mine will fall down?..
(c) S is for Sibyl
My dear boy, let me just tell you in several laconic but vigorous words how much I hate you at this very moment. Spite is the only feeling that touches my heart these days, apart from exasperation and chagrin. My state wavers from rage to aloofness, all because of you! What have you done, you gargoyle in disguise, what have you done with my life, my reputation and even my literary style that I use such trite and pathetic metaphors?
What a mess you have left inside me!
What useless tatters have you made from my heart!
I feel like from now on then it will be just an organ from anatomy books, but not that fragile thing that it had been before!
I think that you still don't understand the true power of your will upon me... everything... your looks, your complexion, gestures, the tone of your voice, your exquisite ivory hands holding mine... Do you remember?.. I guess you not... But I do remember that photo that we didn't show to anyone (I still have a ghost-like hope that you didn't make fun upon it with your superficial friends) - I was standing behind your back... holding you... touching your shoulders... my nose was buried in your soft, golden hair.
It had an odor of dew, pollen and home.
Be delighted! I had had my home and then you took it away, you, vain, unstable, spoilt, envious thing!
I know that this latter will never be sent, as I'll never crawl back to you after all you've done, after all my sufferings, but in my position honesty is the only savior, thus I can admit even though on paper that, yes, my road ends in the inglorious dead-end in this prison not only of flesh, but of the spirit, yes, my hands were pricked by thorns and will be pricked afterwords dozens of times - I will never regret any turn of this road. All my choices at the crossroads finally led to our reunion and I will never, listen, never regret any second spent with you, my subtle, dangerous, red rose...
I miss you terribly that I have such an enormous blister on my heart as I look back at our memories too often that leeds to pain and bloody tears. I fear that you will find me a substitution too quickly and my doubts lead to another circle of pain...
Can't write anymore... It's such a waste to spend paper on letters that you'll never send and words you'll never say...
This cell is driving me mad, but I'm sure that all my years I have spent in another asylum where chains are longer but jailers more ruthless.
I guess you, Bosie, are my executioner...
Can I kiss your eyes and stroke hair on your head before mine will fall down?..
(c) S is for Sibyl
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Ame-Stram-Gram, Я сейчас могу долго распинаться про мое понимание читательского восприятия вообще, но просто скажу, что то что вы видите - это правда для вас, и это есть хорошо.