"Мне всё кажется, что на мне штаны скверные, и что я пишу не так, как надо, и что даю больным не те порошки. Это психоз, должно быть." А. П. Чехов
Roger Waters about Syd, The Observer newspaper on July 12, 1987.
“I dreamt about him last night. It was in the open and he was still gone but I sat down and talked to him and it felt good. He was still saying things I wasn't in a position to understand, but I was supporting him and he was accepting it. We were both happy.”
“I dreamt about him last night. It was in the open and he was still gone but I sat down and talked to him and it felt good. He was still saying things I wasn't in a position to understand, but I was supporting him and he was accepting it. We were both happy.”