Cover Artwork - o is for Ophelia and Thomas Earl
A majestic gift to naughty and intolerable Икар Монгольфье Райт from her two-timing overlord
The unreleased rock-opera by The Kinks written by Raymond Douglas Davies in 1976.
This concept album tells a story of an unfortunate clown Terry who is a complete loser. All his petty life he considered himself successful and even talented, but recently he has been fired from the Circus and due to his problems with alcohol his wife took their small children and left the house. Terry, who has always been a heartthrob, hopes that his secret lover Julie will show compassion but she doesn't contact with him neither. Although his major threat is his own Shadow who rebelled against him and now wants to take Terry's place. Locked in his own house he sees no solution to his endless problems... He is totally lost, real or imaginary, his problems are slowly destroying him.
Ray Davies - lead and backing vocals, guitar and keyboards
Dave Davies - lead guitar, backing and harmony vocals, lead vocals on "The Imposter/Disillusioned"
Maryann Price - backing and harmony vocals, lead vocals on "Inside And Outside" and "The Imposter/Disillusioned"
John Dalton - bass guitar
John Gosling - keyboards and backing vocals
Drums – Mick Avory
Alan Holmes - baritone saxophone, clarinet
Laurie Brown - trumpet, flute, tenor saxophone
Pamela Travis, Debbie Doss, Shirley Roden - background vocals
Cover Design - Bob Heimall
1. Prelude (Have I Ever Been Clear?)
2. Don't Ya
3. Knave Of Hearts
4. The Shadow
5. Next Time (Make It Alright)
6. A Distorted Reflection Of Me
7. In The Front Room
8. Fresh Meat
9. Inside And Outside
10. The Imposter/Disillusioned
11. Someone Else

1. Prelude (Have I Ever Been Clear?)1. Prelude (Have I Ever Been Clear?)
Sung by Ray Davies, Chorus and Dave Davies as the Shadow
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[Terry's wife has just left. He is completely alone in his semi-detached house]
Yesterday's gone and that's a fact,
Now there's no more looking back.
My life became a failed circus act,
I milled the wind and broke my back.
Now I am broken to pieces myself,
Shut in the house with electricity bills,
Dirty dishes, empty rooms and shelves
Waiting for a call like for a fire-drill.
Am I going bananas living in this house?
Is it a ghost that creeps around or just a mouse?
Is it broken toys of my children inhabiting the attic?
Is it me cleansing the house like a fanatic?
Is it my happy face in the picture book on a sill?
Do I hear a rustle under my feet or I'm not sober still?
Now there is no one to soothe after a nightmare.
Now there is just me and the things I broke.
But then who is crawling and rocking the chair?
Is it me or just my imagination?
Is this house a refuge or my last station?
She said that she'll wait for the day
When I don't not drink and come clear.
But she left and headed down the highway
As I've never come clear.
Now I'm left with a cellar full of whiskey and beer.
Have I ever been clear?
(Chorus of the Broken Things)
Oh this man doesn't come out
Oh he's wife's lawn isn't mown
Oh there are weeds throughout
Oh there's no credit on a telephone
Oh he's just a dead duck
Who is not the house real owner!
Oh this man's got bad luck,
This house deserves a better owner!
Oh he is a broken reed,
Our true master will soon come out and succeed!
Now it's six in the evening and I have nowhere to hurry.
I'd better turn on my radio or telly or stereo.
Listening to other people's lives I don't need to worry
Or should I add them to other rubbish to throw?
At this hour how could I be clear?
Better drink some wine to fire my throat
And burn my entrails with a pint of beer
Ignoring doctor's 'no-drinking' note.
I can't stand these voices from nowhere
I need time to go through a major repair.
The ground has crumbled under my feet
And this is my reflection I have to defeat.
All mirrors around show me a person I hate.
I'm afraid that for a change it might be too late.
Whose is that voice that sounds so familiar?
When I hear it I feel so small and inferior.
What is that shadow that gets bigger each day?
No one has the answer so come what may.
(Chorus of the Broken Things)
His Shadow broke loose and will set us free
But this man should leave us here and flee.
She said that she'll wait for the day
When I don't not drink and come clear.
But she left and headed down the highway
As I've never come clear.
Now I'm left with a cellar full of whiskey and beer.
Have I ever been clear?
(The Shadow)
As your wife and children have left you,
I guess, there are only memories to bury.
Your Shadow is the only thing you pursue.
You belong to yesterday, don't you, Terry?
2. Don’t Ya2. Don’t Ya
Sung by Ray Davies and Chorus
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When you take a bus thirty nine
You should go past Regent's park
And go inside the big arc.
You will see a distinctive line
Between your mundane life
And that flamboyant show of ours.
You’ll be dragged into the wildlife,
You'll forget your working hours,
You'll forget everything that matters,
You'll let go the handlebars,
You’ll join the crowd that clatters,
You’ll enter the gates without a purpose
And we’ll welcome you to the Circus.
(Chorus of The Broken Things)
Don’t ya see circus tents, my pals?
Just one penny for a carousel ride.
Don't ya think it will break 'cause it creaks, my pals?
Put all of your worries aside.
It's just rusty and old as we all are.
Look at all the gimmicks, my pals.
Don't ya want to see them closer, my pals?
Don’t ya hear the crowd droning?
Don’t ya hear caged lions groaning?
Don’t ya want to see the crown falling
From our clown’s round head?
I've worked in that place
For more than sixteen years.
I’ve worn someone else's face,
Have heard so many cheers
When I did my job and did it well.
With the ring of our manager’s bell
I was always there like under the spell.
I never missed a single working day
Although my wife gave me hell.
But I never made her halfway.
I was always the Circus’ best clown.
Now I’m on the edge of a nervous breakdown.
Why they threw me on streets to drown?
(Chorus of The Broken Things)
Don’t ya like our animals, my pals?
We have birds with clipped wings.
Don’t ya want to see their attempts to fly, my pals?
Our hawk hops and swallow sings.
You can see bears fighting in the pit
Then licking each other’s wounds
After the most serious hit.
Don’t ya want to get closer, my pals?
Don’t ya want to set a wolf pack free?
Don’t want to make the visitors plea?
Don’t ya with us agree,
Won't you be really smitten
If we decide that our guests need to be eaten?
But that sudden paranoia, all the stress, that bother and the mess,
All my heart-felt passions and worries that I’ll never express.
(Chorus of The Broken Things)
They hit him, kicked him, brought down to the ground
They banned him, span him on a merry-go-round.
Am I no human with his wishes, sins and vices?
Why is it me who has to pay all the prices?
(Chorus of The Broken Things)
Don’t ya booze so much that you’ve been caught with a bottle?
Don’t ya have daily portions of whiskey or gin not to throttle?
They didn’t cut me any slack
For once stepping on a wrong track.
They just fired me on spot
For having only one vodka shot.
All my performances went smooth.
That day I forgot to erase the proof.
The manager smelled it,
The manager yelled at me,
Though I never rebelled
And he expelled me,
Torn to pieces my comic mask.
Instead of money he gave me a flask
For which I’ve never asked.
Now they say the Circus
Has another funny clown -
A healthy individual plus
He fights the mob’s frown.
The visitors forgot about my trick.
Probably my humour was sick
But my jokes made them sob -
A tax collector or a heartthrob,
A thief or a judge,
Men who love fudge,
Raper, ripper, cold financer,
Those with AIDs or deadly cancer,
But at the end they roared with laughter,
Gave me shiny pennies after.
Don’t ya think I have to sink
Just because of one unfortunate drink?
3. Knave Of Hearts3. Knave Of Hearts
Sung by Ray Davies
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I knew a juggler, he tossed my change.
It flew high up, I never saw it again.
I knew a fortune teller, she came from Oz on a freight.
She was an illegal seller of courage and brain.
What a pity on the stock she lacked a heart
She only had a cheap counterpart.
I knew an illusionist with a special mission
To teach everyone an immaculate stunt -
To cheat on your wife, she won’t have a suspicion.
He promised to teach me actin' so blunt
But I asked him for his wage of 10p
To teach me another trick for such fee -
How to milk the budget so the taxmen won't see.
But he objected sayin' I was too thick,
He said that tricks won't help me as I'm a lunatic.
I knew all these people and was in there shoes.
There's only one person whom I miss and lose.
Can I recall the name?
All my cronies knew her as she walked.
All the streets of North London I stalked
But they knew her better than I’ll ever do.
Why she’d never let me to be in her shoe?
Truly, truly, you told me you were the Knave Of Hearts.
But I said, I said
You are an illusion or just good in black arts.
Could you really be that Knave of Hearts?
Always made me act like I'm a fool,
Always put me under your rule
If I were striving, striving,
I could now face my reflection on glass.
But I was driving, driving
At being the one who laughs best and last.
Are you truly the Knave Of Hearts?
I was so grumpy when I saw her in a shop.
I wanted to unload my head filled to the top.
I missed a moment when she turned 'round.
I was bewildered lendin' her one pound.
I knew she worked in the Circus too,
We never spoke, 'cause I was too blue.
She was a Harlequin and put on bright clothes
Also she wore a smile which was a pose
For our manager and foolish crowd.
She was professionally incredibly loud
So they laughed their heads off
And always gave her more days-off.
I started coming to her studio in the attic.
Each time I saw her I just went ecstatic
Naked in her tweed coat on the bed.
Each time I just lost my head.
Then my wife's trust began to fade
But you know of what the lovers are made?
Truly, truly, you told me you were the Knave Of Hearts.
But I said, I said
There's no trust in you and there's no way it starts.
Could you really be that Knave of Hearts?
You were a natural-born joker
But I was just your loony night-stalker.
If I were gunning, gunning
All the dangers that you embodied to me.
But I was running, running
From all the responsibilities I had to see.
Are you truly my Knave Of Hearts?
I was roaming the vibrant city
Only at night its fuss looked pretty.
‘Till in the big shadow of the Green park
I got confused and got lost in the dark.
But my colleague Julie found me there,
That night about me she took care.
Reminded me of a glow-worm,
Soon our affair became long-term
Before she thought of me as a family-man
Who for his family strives and does what he can.
Now of the truth 'bout me she’s quite a talker
She knows that I’m an alcoholic and a sleepwalker
She said that my paranoia is destructing her,
That there’re other men she would prefer
But I’m still swimming against the tide,
Still believe that she would like to be by my side.
Sometimes she feels like imaginary
But isn’t it what makes her extraordinary?
Truly, truly, you told me you were the Knave Of Hearts.
But I said, I said
You are just one of those cheap circus tarts.
Could you really be that Knave of Hearts?
You dragged me by your mystery,
I've never had such a lover in history
If I were asking, asking
About the story and true origins of yours.
But I was laughing, laughing
At all your inner problems, doubts and wars.
Are you truly this Knave Of Hearts?
4. The Shadow4. The Shadow
Sung by Ray Davies and Chorus
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(Terry and Chorus of the Broken Things)
Look, something's stepping on your feet,
Something follows your every step.
For it you're a just a piece of meat.
Look, now it's dogging your footsteps.
On a Friday night or on a sunny meadow,
In a pub, down in a subway or below
The only thing to be afraid of is your shadow,
There is no place to hide from your shadow.
No blood-shattered eyes to peer into,
Only a figure treading on the heels of you,
No pills or shelter or arms to protect you.
Only this one won't accept your adieu,
It is gonna be your final elbow,
Won't let you leave or go solo.
You're just a victim to your shadow.
You're just a sucker to your shadow.
Don't be scared, just accept it,
It's a trigger to all your deepest fears.
Eat your humble pie and then spit it.
Prepare yourself to be moved to tears.
Since the childhood it's starting to grow,
Once it's gonna pierce you like crossbow,
Get prepared to be chewed by your shadow.
Just surrender to the call of your shadow.
When you hear its silent whispers
Close your eyes, don't turn around,
Don't try to catch it, it is swifter,
Don't bargain or seek common ground.
Everything about you it does know,
It's awake even when you tiptoe.
There's no way you can outwit your shadow,
There's no means of destroying your shadow.
It is one that encourages your vice,
It is who advices you not to think twice
And inhabits the dodgy part of town.
It is who will wear your crown.
Instead of you it smokes tobacco,
After its mischiefs you have a vertigo.
The lousiest practical jokes blame on a shadow,
The devil on your shoulder is a shadow.
Don't sleep too much or stay lazy
As it will surely take advantage of it,
It will take initiative when you're hazy.
You will pay for what it did commit.
You're helpless against it like an embryo,
A poison won't save you nor tarot.
Your Mr Hyde's side is your own shadow,
Homicidal thoughts are from your shadow.
Never ignore it or hide it inside you,
It'a gonna always find its way.
But before it's gonna rape you and chew
There will be no gods to pray,
There'll be a change you'll undergo,
In the long run you'll be the one to throw,
You will be bent over by your shadow.
All of us will be punished by a shadow
For being ordinary and well-respected,
For universal deliberate mediocrity,
For identical faces that are reflected
And also for skin-deep positivity.
From a Highgate pick to a town in Idaho,
From Surrey train stations to Mexico
What dictates your desires is your shadow,
What foresees your future is your shadow.
Any sexual frustration or act of aggression
Brings you closer to your oldest friend.
It might lead you to the brink of depression,
There's no chance you'll win in the end.
It's dangerous as it doesn't borrow,
It has stolen your life long ago.
The one that replaces you is a shadow,
All that you own belong to your shadow.
No one will dig the difference between you two
You look just the same but it is better -
It never drifts after drinking a few,
It becomes stronger when you get fatter
You are bearing such a heavy cargo.
It doesn't even appear on your photo.
You are all blind in satisfying your shadow,
Even the stubborn are convinced by a shadow.
Now surrender your will altogether,
Just relax and go with a flow,
Nevermind late hours or rainy weather
There's nothing you don't it owe.
We have no more power than a domino,
No redemption our master will bestow,
We are all under the rule of a shadow,
We are all shaded by the reign of a shadow,
We are all definitely shaded by it.
Are we caged animals in the zoo?
Then throw us a piece of row meat.
Shadow, shadow, where are you?
5. Next Time (Make It Alright)5. Next Time (Make It Alright)
Sung by Ray Davies
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Oh once I knew a man
Who lived in this semi-detached.
He never had a business plan.
He wore a jacket that matched
His half-moon glasses.
He was a chief engineer
In the factory near all bypasses
Every night he had a can of beer,
He never seemed to be peeved,
Didn’t mind his low income.
Like my own dad he never grieved
About what his sons would become.
He was a black sheep of the family
There hearts were made of coal.
He was a carefree fellow of the family
The only happy one among them all.
All his life he used to kiss them good-night,
Gently switched off the light,
Promised next season he'll make it alright.
This house always hid a mystery
But only recently I discovered its history.
The previous owner had a wife
Who was a huge lover of strife.
Under their creaky bed
She kept a kitchen knife.
From the day they wed
She was such a poor cook -
For dinner he had only beetroot soup
But supper always was notable
As she left him a piece of scented soap and a loop
So he looked for something potable
And opened another can of beer
Drank it alone as his wife was never near
But he was a happy-go-lucky fellow
Who loved hot chocolate with marshmallow
So he kissed her good-night,
Gently switched off the light,
Promised next day he'll make it alright.
Oh what a happy git.
He never missed a single sing-song.
He knew every Glen Miller’s hit,
His voice was really strong.
He sang “All That Black Magic”
And the cheeks went crazy
But their infatuations were tragic
As for an adultery he was too lazy
So he winked at them,
That heavy boozer,
Much worse than I am,
Stumbled like a loser
While dancing all night
Under the palais’ dim light.
He never lost his wit,
Never used young girls for his profit
So when they came to their houses
He kissed them good-night,
Gently switched off the light,
Promised next Friday he'll make it alright
And left.
Every summer was the same -
His wife took him to the village green.
With his brooch with the Queen
He was a strange scene.
With his wide smile
And an unhurried lifestyle
And his Jewish surname
He was such a shame
For those who held a grudge
Against him.
Her wife’s brothers loved to judge
And told tales about him.
Every day polite and happy
Although he was laughed at.
Once he mixed up with a girl so snappy
And spent one night in her flat.
On the last day of August he kissed her good-night,
Gently switched off the light,
Promised next summer he'll make it alright.
He was so happy-go-lucky,
Never worried or sulky,
He bobbed up and down,
Always took off his cap,
Never wore a frown,
Between his teeth had a gap
But that never bothered him much.
His sons soon grew up
No more staying in touch
Right after his wife dumped him,
Left behind a cookery book.
She didn't know about his last whim
To become his own cook.
He visited every room
And examined each corner
As it was a matter of honour.
He wished neighbours good-night,
Gently switched off the light,
Promised next time he'll make it alright.
Oh that great little man
Always hated beetroot.
He drank his last beer can,
Put on his best suit.
That last Friday night
He went for a dance,
Held the girls so tight.
It was his last chance
To make everything right.
Gave money to those
On whom he put a bite,
Broke someone's nose
When they sent him home.
That night here in this front-room
For the very first time
He tasted his supper
That was soap and a rope
And the next month my spouse
Got an offer to buy this house
In a big envelope.
6. A Distorted Reflection Of Me6. A Distorted Reflection Of Me
Sung by Ray Davies
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[The Shadow is singing in the cellar preparing to meet Terry soon]
(The Shadow)
Haven’t you seen, Terry, a magpie’s nest?
It’s outside the prison that you call home.
Oh now, please, sit down and be my guest.
My knees ache as all my life I used to roam.
Look inside yourself and find me
As I serve you as a steering wheel
But you an anchor will forever be.
Let’s see who among us two is real
One for sorrow, two for joy.
Shush, these birds are calling for help.
Like you they love to annoy
And you like them is just a whelp.
My friend, let's see who wins,
You owe me all your success.
Let’s find out who sooner grins
But first I’ll make you confess.
You say I am a twisted version of you
That is trying to break free
But I have something to state too -
You are just a distorted reflection of me.
Three for a girl, four for a boy.
Oh, man, let's see who's better,
You really are my favorite toy
But now you're a hopeless debter
To your good old Shadow, dear.
The time to pay has come,
You have to surrender right here
Or I’ll make you succumb.
You say I am a twisted version of you
That is trying to break free
But I have something to state too -
You are just a distorted reflection of me.
Five for silver, six for gold.
I am no longer your shadow, dear.
I am the thing that never gets old.
I usually do whisper in your ear.
Come closer, don't you feel blue,
I am the one who’ll possess you,
Oppress and suppress you too,
Even molestation I can do.
You say I am a twisted version of you
That is trying to break free
But I have something to state too -
You are just a distorted reflection of me.
Seven for a tale never to be told,
Eight you live, nine you die,
Ten you eat a bogey pie!
I am the one who controlled
All your decaying household.
Now, officially hand in the keys,
Is there anything you withhold?
You even might need a squeeze?
You say I am a twisted version of you
That is trying to break free
But I have something to state too -
You are just a distorted reflection of me.
One for sorrow, two for mirth,
Three for a funeral, four for a birth.
See, there are no rules to obey,
No need to put your wife away.
Love, open your weak-sighted eye
I am your brother, friend and lover.
What you've been told before is a lie
So face your only enemy and cover.
You say I am a twisted version of you
That is trying to break free
But I have something to state too -
You are just a distorted reflection of me.
Five for heaven, six for hell,
Seven's the Devil his own self.
You are the only one whom I trust,
Your obedience to me is a must
Because you are my second half.
We are not two, we are one.
Anyway, I'll have the last laugh,
You’ll admit that I have won.
You say I am a twisted version of you
That is trying to break free
But I have something to state too -
You are just a distorted reflection of me.
Eight for a wish, nine for a kiss,
Ten for a bird that you won't want to miss.
Just take a close look at me, darling
In midnight or when you hear a starling
Isn't it true that I'm a better half of you?
I've swallowed your life and didn't spit it.
Today is a perfect time for my coup,
Today will be the last deed you commit.
You say I am a twisted version of you
That is trying to break free
But I have something to state too -
You are just a distorted reflection of me.
Abandon yourself altogether
And let me take your unlucky place.
Dear, at the end of my tether
I’ll mark your errors and erase
But for that you’ll lend me your life,
Let me use your false smiles.
You’ll lend me your job and the wife,
Let me use your sugary lies.
You say I am a twisted version of you
That is trying to break free
But I have something to state too -
You are just a distorted reflection of me.
If you object I will crush you.
Your broken toys will tear you apart.
You can’t offer me anything new
Except your ill, mutilated heart.
Don’t waste your precious breath
‘Cause if you deny my request
I will ring my old friend, Death.
Trust me, he knows what’s the best.
You say I am a twisted version of you
That is trying to break free
But I have something to state too -
You are just a distorted reflection of me.
Haven’t you seen, Terry, the magpie’s nest?
They say these birds summon up Death
In this house he’s been such a rare guest.
He’s a born master in slipping the breath
Make up your mind now
About choosing between him and me.
Again I have to remind
For tomorrow you have no guarantee.
You've ended up in a bind.
@музыка: listen to this music.
@настроение: and be silent.
@темы: musique, The Kinks, стихоплетение, "Delusion"
Prelude (Have I've Ever Been Clear?)
СИБИЛ!!! БЛИН, ЭТО ОХРЕНЕННО! ЭТО ПРЯМ! ТО ЧТО НАДО!!!! И последнее от Дэйва я прямо услышала!!! Господи!
2. Don’t Ya
Песня получилась охрененная, потому что - взгляд с двух сторон, хор и Терри, поют разное (то самое ин энд аут о котором мы вчера болтали!) И оно такое. СТРАШНОЕ и КРУТОЕ. Это даже в какой-то момент слишком, как будто ты Рэя раздеваешь. Но потом я думаю, хаха это же не он, это Терри!..
Пассаж про медведей остался у меня в голове. Да блин, все осталось!
3. Knave Of Hearts
Да ты, наверное, издеваешься. Блин как хорошо что я вот читаю это прям сейчас, целиком. I feel really blessed. This is SO GOOD
4. The Shadow
... надо поговорить об этом.
5. Next Time (Make It Alright)
Кроме всего, у меня от этой песни началась жуткая паранойя
А почему началась паранойя?
Я всегда особенно сильно убиваюсь от песен где there is no way out. Это как раз такая.
Мне никогда не нравятся саундтреки, заботливо подбираемые некоторыми авторами к своим произведениям, и Кинки в этом случае, увы, не исключение. Я прекрасно понимаю, что, раз уж это их ненаписанный альбом, с моей стороны просто нелепо отвергать их озвучку, но...в моей голове всё это звучит так совершенно! Перед моим внутренним взором вспышками появлялось нечто вроде помеси тёмной сцены и киноэкрана (прелесть внутренних постановок в том, что можно сколько угодно сочетать возможности театра и кино), я одновременно как бы видела постановку этой оперы именно в качестве оперы на сцене - и то, как эту тёмную, затхлую квартиру Терри могли бы обставить в фильме. И несчастный, истеричный, загнанный, истерзанный человек, мечущийся по сцене в припадках, порождённых смесью алкогольного угара и самоубийственного самоанализа.
В наибольшем восторге я от "Прелюдии" и "Тени". "Прелюдия" удивительна и задаёт тон всему остальному. Единственно сомнение, - погреб полон всё-таки виски и пива, или виски и медведя? Прости, я не знаток английского языка, но не опечатка ли это? Хор брошенных вещей великолепен, у меня от него мурашки по коже, особенно когда они поют про Тень. И когда Тень вступает в конце песни, внутри просто всё замирает от сладкого ужаса и предчувствия, что всё будет хуже некуда, и жадного желания увидеть, насколько всё будет плохо.
И песня "Тень" - такая тёмная, такая живая, страстная, смертельная, захватывающая.
Наибольшие затруднения у меня пока вызвал "Knave Of Hearts", полагаю, я вернусь к нему чуть позже, чтобы разобраться получше.
Ну, буду писать о своих впечатлениях по мере чтения.
По поводу музыки - за Кинков вообще сложно зацепиться, но на самом деле если у читателя в голове начинает играть "своя" музыка это же замечательно, это значит мне удалось таки создать определенное настроение и атмосферу.
Мне очень нравится твой отзыв - он такой ощущенческий, живой и гремучий. Дальше - хуже, trust me.
Удачи тебе со стариком Гуглом, буду ждать еще твоих отзывов.
Это очень Очень сложная и высокая что ли работа. Знаешь, это далеко за границей понятия "фантворчество" в его кустарном смысле, это именно что космоопера - полноценное, готовое к выпуску на диске произведение.
Несмотря на то, что изнанка Терри подается откровенно и без лишней путаницы, в ней все равно можно заблудиться.
Your Mr Hyde's side is your own shadow Так просто и так точно!
Никогда не думала, что про внутренний мир "просто человека" можно написать так, что начнешь вглядываться во встречных людей и искать в них что-то этакое.
Знаешь, Терри чем-то напомнил Брэндона Салливана или вернее то, как персонажа подал МакКуин: знаешь о нем много, но однобоко. Он становится близким, но в толпе его не узнаешь.
Узор символов и аллегорий потрясающий! То и дело останавливаюсь и "раскручиваю", потому что для мне слишком сложно)).
Музыка легла как родная.
В целом я снова и завидую и не завидую тебе)). Написать такое - вот это да! Но пропустить через себя все это?
Не очень-то у меня хорошо с подбором слов)А ты начинаешь вглядываться во встречных людей с попыткой препарировать?) Поразительно насколько у всех разные силовые траектории, кто-то начинает вглядываться в себя, кто-то в других.