"Мне всё кажется, что на мне штаны скверные, и что я пишу не так, как надо, и что даю больным не те порошки. Это психоз, должно быть." А. П. Чехов
Мое избранное сегодня бомбануло, и все написали по посту, который очень точно их отражает. Мне нечего написать, кроме этого.
Oh my they did it, oh holy cow
they pressed the button
and we all a bit died somehow
Albert is in a control booth
bellowin', 'it's all goin' smooth'
angels with cuban cigars & halberds
walkin' us to the gates
they wear polka dots and shades
they sing some folky old song
dwellin' on who done who wrong -
he said, she said -
never got anyone anywhere,
except into an argument without end
and losin' tickets to a gig they had to attend
Al is poppin' up all over the place
with paper headings imprinted on his face
chucklin' like a jack-in-a-box
and drinkin' bourbon on the rocks
Well I saw the king and his jester
they sat in wicker arm-chairs
and people climbed up the stairs
of the bar where they dined,
pronounced sentence
and declared truth to the blind
And I looked and thought,
'Oh, man, I'm gonna throw up,
I know this deceitful sort,
I know this king,
he plays harmonica and reads I-Ching,
he's a lyin' shit and an adept juggler,
he made me a big belly
and when things turned heavy
he threw me away
but as a chick I had no say
now I know that it's all baloney
he is a swine and just a phony'.
But where is my pumpkin
I got a ball to blow
my dad is s village bumpkin
so he doesn't like the blocks I blow
Oh my I am on a frying pan
and there's no escape
well I'll take a bike ride with my pal Sam
he is in poker, grange and rape
but I like him, he is my type of man
gotta bird my cage
and put on my Spanish leather shoes
while everyone's talkin' atomic bomb blues.

Oh my they did it, oh holy cow
they pressed the button
and we all a bit died somehow
Albert is in a control booth
bellowin', 'it's all goin' smooth'
angels with cuban cigars & halberds
walkin' us to the gates
they wear polka dots and shades
they sing some folky old song
dwellin' on who done who wrong -
he said, she said -
never got anyone anywhere,
except into an argument without end
and losin' tickets to a gig they had to attend
Al is poppin' up all over the place
with paper headings imprinted on his face
chucklin' like a jack-in-a-box
and drinkin' bourbon on the rocks
Well I saw the king and his jester
they sat in wicker arm-chairs
and people climbed up the stairs
of the bar where they dined,
pronounced sentence
and declared truth to the blind
And I looked and thought,
'Oh, man, I'm gonna throw up,
I know this deceitful sort,
I know this king,
he plays harmonica and reads I-Ching,
he's a lyin' shit and an adept juggler,
he made me a big belly
and when things turned heavy
he threw me away
but as a chick I had no say
now I know that it's all baloney
he is a swine and just a phony'.
But where is my pumpkin
I got a ball to blow
my dad is s village bumpkin
so he doesn't like the blocks I blow
Oh my I am on a frying pan
and there's no escape
well I'll take a bike ride with my pal Sam
he is in poker, grange and rape
but I like him, he is my type of man
gotta bird my cage
and put on my Spanish leather shoes
while everyone's talkin' atomic bomb blues.

Dva-Stula, Не, это просто рандомные люди, там не важно, что происходит, все дело в самом образе, наверное.