"Мне всё кажется, что на мне штаны скверные, и что я пишу не так, как надо, и что даю больным не те порошки. Это психоз, должно быть." А. П. Чехов
Я тут недавно для Оксфорда писала большую работу по арту Сторма Торгерсона для альбома Pink Floyd "Wish You Were Here", там я делаю обзор обертки, обложек (передней и задней) и всех внутренних вкладышей + связь с творчеством Магритта.
Решила выложить сюда, вдруг кому-то будет интересно. Написано на английском языке, конечно же.
Приготовлено для устного выступления, так что есть обращения к залу.

Storm Thorgerson for Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here"

The work of art I am going to talk about is rather unconventional. It is the album cover of the music album. Unfortunately, such modern field of art is sometimes overlooked though in my opinion it can create an immense visual impact and in some cases is even deeper and more interesting that the music it represents. And today I am going to present you a back cover for the album "Wish You Were Here" which was done in 1975 by a famous graphic designer Storm Thorgerson for the music album of Pink Floyd.
After prolonged conversations with all of the band it seemed to Thorgerson that 'absence' was a recurring theme, especially absence of commitment - either to relationships or to work. The figures of the artwork were supposed to be 'here' in the flesh but not in the spirit. Thorgerson and his team went through the motions, until perchance they stumbled upon the notion of traces, for instance, shadows, footsteps, things that indicate presence but are in themselves insubstantial or not very present. These ideas became intermingled with empty gestures, when people grip your hand warmly but don't mean too much. From there they went to absent emotions and thence to people who are absent for fear of being hurt or even burnt.

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@музыка: Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here

@настроение: on work.

@темы: musique, Pink Floyd, Я никогда не поступлю в Гарвард... (с), fine-artish