"Мне всё кажется, что на мне штаны скверные, и что я пишу не так, как надо, и что даю больным не те порошки. Это психоз, должно быть." А. П. Чехов
My merry, hopeful Christmas
Shepard on the high blue hill
A widow preparing her evening meal
A missing sound of bugle
On this merry Christmas night seems to be no trouble!
She, His spirit, and the Night
Crying, yearning for His Light
Takes a candle to revise a carol
On this merry Christmas night all we’ll sing a sample!
Take her to the mistletoe white
She’ll fall in love at the First sight
Cheeks as red as our holly
On this merry Christmas night I’ll tell Them all your fairy story!
Pine cries: «Color me, my friends!»
By tinsel, garlands, ribbons, bands…
Makes mouth water - roasted goose
On this merry Christmas night as simple extra – Mousse!
Almost all children on the skating rink
Santa! Secrets through the chimney leak…
Fast reindeer, St Nicolas encourage Their deeds
On this merry Christmas night You all be enchanted by gifts!
I bring the candle-end to your Shiny grave
Its loneliness among the Feast me lame…
I hear Heaven’s Hollies strangely calling
On this merry Christmas night I can’t help sobbing!
I pray all era, the Angels dry my eyes tonight
On this merry Christmas night It fills my soul with wishes!
I admiring the Portrait, of You and I tonight
On this merry Christmas night It fills my heart with kisses!
I know, my love – immortal, but unfolds tonight
On this merry Christmas night It lights the sky in silver!
Dedicated to H.A.L.
Shepard on the high blue hill
A widow preparing her evening meal
A missing sound of bugle
On this merry Christmas night seems to be no trouble!
She, His spirit, and the Night
Crying, yearning for His Light
Takes a candle to revise a carol
On this merry Christmas night all we’ll sing a sample!
Take her to the mistletoe white
She’ll fall in love at the First sight
Cheeks as red as our holly
On this merry Christmas night I’ll tell Them all your fairy story!
Pine cries: «Color me, my friends!»
By tinsel, garlands, ribbons, bands…
Makes mouth water - roasted goose
On this merry Christmas night as simple extra – Mousse!
Almost all children on the skating rink
Santa! Secrets through the chimney leak…
Fast reindeer, St Nicolas encourage Their deeds
On this merry Christmas night You all be enchanted by gifts!
I bring the candle-end to your Shiny grave
Its loneliness among the Feast me lame…
I hear Heaven’s Hollies strangely calling
On this merry Christmas night I can’t help sobbing!
I pray all era, the Angels dry my eyes tonight
On this merry Christmas night It fills my soul with wishes!
I admiring the Portrait, of You and I tonight
On this merry Christmas night It fills my heart with kisses!
I know, my love – immortal, but unfolds tonight
On this merry Christmas night It lights the sky in silver!