"Мне всё кажется, что на мне штаны скверные, и что я пишу не так, как надо, и что даю больным не те порошки. Это психоз, должно быть." А. П. Чехов
To Икар Монгольфье Райт
If I had a big brother
I would plague with him all day long
I would try to mother him and smother
There would be someone I belong
If I had a big brother
He would shout and slap me and beat me
Until I would blush not from hate but from content rather
And then we would collapse on a sofa and after drink tea
If I had a big brother
We would rent a flat somewhere on Dead End Street
Together. And I wouldn't need jobs or girls or our mother
Because I would have a brother hence I would be complete
If I had a big brother
I would kiss and violate him all night long
I would turn grey from his teeth leaving a one or another
Mark on my skin. No pity on me would he bestow
If I had a big brother
I would look at him through a mirror of love
Thus looking at the distorted version of myself but farther
And so would he, even though he would be better at bluff than me
If I was a cadet
Plaing our taboo and sacred games would be the sole way to endure
Merely when you grow up you can quit and that's the only threat
But we would be true brothers hence we would never be mature
If I had a big brother
I would plague with him all day long
I would try to mother him and smother
There would be someone I belong
If I had a big brother
He would shout and slap me and beat me
Until I would blush not from hate but from content rather
And then we would collapse on a sofa and after drink tea
If I had a big brother
We would rent a flat somewhere on Dead End Street
Together. And I wouldn't need jobs or girls or our mother
Because I would have a brother hence I would be complete
If I had a big brother
I would kiss and violate him all night long
I would turn grey from his teeth leaving a one or another
Mark on my skin. No pity on me would he bestow
If I had a big brother
I would look at him through a mirror of love
Thus looking at the distorted version of myself but farther
And so would he, even though he would be better at bluff than me
If I was a cadet
Plaing our taboo and sacred games would be the sole way to endure
Merely when you grow up you can quit and that's the only threat
But we would be true brothers hence we would never be mature
Ты удивительное делаешь.
С одной стороны тут они, а с другой - то что я тебе рассказала. Двойной удар.