"Мне всё кажется, что на мне штаны скверные, и что я пишу не так, как надо, и что даю больным не те порошки. Это психоз, должно быть." А. П. Чехов
Goldmine: Did the press make out the Townshend vs. Daltrey feud to be more that what really existed?

Roger Daltrey: Of course they did. We used it too. We were guilty of it. But it's not important. It wasn't a big fight. It was like the wife hitting you with a frying pan. The next minute you're in bed fucking each other to death.



Pete Townshend: Life’s a bitch and so am I.

@музыка: The Who - Our Love Was

@настроение: mesmerised.

@темы: musique, The Who, Красата.