"Мне всё кажется, что на мне штаны скверные, и что я пишу не так, как надо, и что даю больным не те порошки. Это психоз, должно быть." А. П. Чехов
We are two carving knives
which are spooning each other.
Though I obtain nine lives
my weak points knows my brother.
We know each other not for long
but already catapult together.
But I never can tell right from wrong
every time when we get together.
Today I understood that I hate him
before I never knew what hate is.
Today I found a Cain mark on my limb
though before I never knew what it is.
I am the sharpest carving knife in a set
so I'll slay my brother in a sly manner.
It would be a sweat stab he won't regret,
my homicidal face would be on every banner.
I can see gory motionless body of his,
its closed, bloody lips I'm free of.
Before I never knew what hate is
now I know that it's deadlier than love.
which are spooning each other.
Though I obtain nine lives
my weak points knows my brother.
We know each other not for long
but already catapult together.
But I never can tell right from wrong
every time when we get together.
Today I understood that I hate him
before I never knew what hate is.
Today I found a Cain mark on my limb
though before I never knew what it is.
I am the sharpest carving knife in a set
so I'll slay my brother in a sly manner.
It would be a sweat stab he won't regret,
my homicidal face would be on every banner.
I can see gory motionless body of his,
its closed, bloody lips I'm free of.
Before I never knew what hate is
now I know that it's deadlier than love.