"Мне всё кажется, что на мне штаны скверные, и что я пишу не так, как надо, и что даю больным не те порошки. Это психоз, должно быть." А. П. Чехов
This year I was a rock’n’rolla,
I mouthed my mind & eyed my past,
stole a rose from my mad grandma
and gave in to teenage lust.
I drank black rum, B52 and sweat,
tattooed my irregular brain,
became a lumberjack & brunette,
and I fro-fro-frolicked in hay.
I dumped some possibilities
afraid of them becoming a drag
too scared to admit my complicities
ashamed of my desire to brag.
But then I reached for the kite
my name is a long-distance runner,
who thinks that he’s always right
and that his friend is a secret gunner.
I found myself three singing birds,
the first one wears a daisy chain,
the second one words my thoughts,
the third has a silver spoon on a chain.
With Ophelia I have swum
and with Mr Hyde I’ve smoked,
I’ve typed till my hands’ve been numb
and made love till I’ve choked.
Mr Poo did spoil my being,
so did the nation I once belonged,
gotta change my way of seeing
and flee to places that I wronged.
I was insane and empty and blue
and my future seemed blurry,
I thought there is nothing to do
thought I’ll forever be spotty & horny.
I saw some famous has-beens
and was touched with their beauty,
I came up with the sly schemes,
reconciled not with my lot, but duties.
I don’t believe in anything, I guess
just in what I see & hear & fight,
I can’t feel a lot or tastefully dress
I just desire a life’s another bite.
I have a wish, it’s big & fat
but I can not speak it out loud,
so I say I just wanna be a kitty-cat
and never get drunk on stout.
I mouthed my mind & eyed my past,
stole a rose from my mad grandma
and gave in to teenage lust.
I drank black rum, B52 and sweat,
tattooed my irregular brain,
became a lumberjack & brunette,
and I fro-fro-frolicked in hay.
I dumped some possibilities
afraid of them becoming a drag
too scared to admit my complicities
ashamed of my desire to brag.
But then I reached for the kite
my name is a long-distance runner,
who thinks that he’s always right
and that his friend is a secret gunner.
I found myself three singing birds,
the first one wears a daisy chain,
the second one words my thoughts,
the third has a silver spoon on a chain.
With Ophelia I have swum
and with Mr Hyde I’ve smoked,
I’ve typed till my hands’ve been numb
and made love till I’ve choked.
Mr Poo did spoil my being,
so did the nation I once belonged,
gotta change my way of seeing
and flee to places that I wronged.
I was insane and empty and blue
and my future seemed blurry,
I thought there is nothing to do
thought I’ll forever be spotty & horny.
I saw some famous has-beens
and was touched with their beauty,
I came up with the sly schemes,
reconciled not with my lot, but duties.
I don’t believe in anything, I guess
just in what I see & hear & fight,
I can’t feel a lot or tastefully dress
I just desire a life’s another bite.
I have a wish, it’s big & fat
but I can not speak it out loud,
so I say I just wanna be a kitty-cat
and never get drunk on stout.