"Мне всё кажется, что на мне штаны скверные, и что я пишу не так, как надо, и что даю больным не те порошки. Это психоз, должно быть." А. П. Чехов
Я взяла в руки волшебные ножницы из кости сказочной рогатой козы и волшебную краску из перьев сказочного говорящего ворона и вот, что вышло.

Her sister said that my girl was gone
"But come inside boy, and play, play, play me a song"
I said, "Yeah, here I go"
She's kinda cute, don't you know that
After a while of seeing her smile, I knew we could make it
Make it in style
So now I got all I need
She and I are in love, we've agreed
She likes this song and my others too
So now you see my world is
'Cause of this tune
What a boon this tune!
I tell you, soon we'll be lying in bed, happily wed
And I won't think of that girl and what she said
Listen or download Syd Barrett Here I Go for free on Pleer

Her sister said that my girl was gone
"But come inside boy, and play, play, play me a song"
I said, "Yeah, here I go"
She's kinda cute, don't you know that
After a while of seeing her smile, I knew we could make it
Make it in style
So now I got all I need
She and I are in love, we've agreed
She likes this song and my others too
So now you see my world is
'Cause of this tune
What a boon this tune!
I tell you, soon we'll be lying in bed, happily wed
And I won't think of that girl and what she said
Listen or download Syd Barrett Here I Go for free on Pleer